OTalk/Occhat and Your CPD

Twitter chats provide valuable opportunities for Continuing Professional Development (CPD).

@AgencyNurse has written a useful guide about using Twitter chats for CPD which includes tips such as:

Be prepared… read up, document the content and time you have researched and be prepared to join in the chat or even just listen in, known not very affectionately as lurking.

During the chat… take a note on comments and people that got you thinking, even use a pen and paper as things move quite quickly sometimes.

After the chat, many chat hosts will create a transcript that will allow you to go over the chat in your own pace, this is a good time to reflect on what you missed and add to the value you can gain from those taking part.

Write your own summary of the chat to aid reflection on what you have learnt.

…a few things that you might like to include in your reflection:

– Why did you think that this chat would be relevant to you, what did you hope to gain?

– What twists and turns did the chat take, how did opinions differ from participants vary?

– Did you pick up any ideas to discuss with colleagues later, or even change the way you currently [practice]?

– Finally include why you found it valuable and relevant to your practice.

Here is a form (>>OTalk CPD<<) that you can add to your CPD portfolio to document your participation/reflection.

Once you have written your reflection, perhaps you would like to share it as a comment on the relevant GrabChat (transcript)? That way, the discussion can continue to grow and develop.

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